Chloé Salmon
PhD Student - Doctorante
Prof. Nicolas J. Vereecken's research group at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
Tel: +221 78 537 16 95 - +226 64 79 15 50
Email: chloe.salmon@ulb.be
Profile & curriculum
Bsc in Bioengineering Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - ULiège and ULB (2006-10)
Msc in Bioengineering - Agricultural Sciences - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - ULiège (2010-2012)
Various functions as International’s Youth Volonteer, Natural Resource Management Officer, GIS Junior Expert, Technical Advisor and Country Representative - WWF, Enabel (formerly BTC/CTB) and APEFE (as part of the Junior Program), and ULB-Coopération, based in Bolivia, Tanzania, Brussels, Burkina Faso and Sénégal (2015 – 2022)
Research Manager for West Africa, Sabali Expeditions (2022 – Present)
PhD student (2023 – Present)
Research interests
Livelihoods in and arounds (Terrestrial and Marine and Coastal) Protected Areas.
Evolution of the ecosystem services of mangroves
Women’s role in the honey value chain
Research project
This research aims to a better understanding of the livelihoods of local communities in and around protected areas, specifically Biosphere Reserves (BR) by investigating:
The contribution of mangrove to livelihoods, by the characterization of i) the perception of the evolution of the ecosystem services over the last 30 years ii) the awareness of local communities regarding the benefits of mangroves iii) their support for restoration or conservation projects implemented in their respective areas,
Beekeeping as a mean to generate sustainable incomes for population surroundings protected areas and BR though i) objectifying the current place of women in bee products’ value chain ii) understanding the potential barriers and leverage points to their better engagement in beekeeping activities iii) documenting and identifying the consistency of the traditional non-food uses of honey produced by Afrotropical stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae).