Lola Richelle
Profile & curriculum
MSc in “environmental and territory management” in Agro Biotech Gembloux (ULg). I made a PhD thesis on Soil Health and farmers knowledge based on a collaborative method. I am now independent researcher and soil health consultant.
Research interests
Agroecological movement: Social, cultural and political dimensions of agroecological initiatives confronted to global agro-industrial system.
Human – nature interactions or biocultural diversity: interconnections between human and natural history, relation between cultural and biological diversity, diversity and singularity of human milieux
Soil knowledge diversity: looking for dialogue between a diversity of knowledge and practices concerning soils
Soil Health: collaborative research on soil health indicators in order to enhance agricultural practices respecting soil live and biodiversity
Agricultural practices diversity: looking for agricultural practices adapted to each situation, taking into account cultural realities and ecological complexity.
- Richelle, L. De la fertilité des sols à la santé de la terre : retour sur un processus d’apprentissage collectif visant l’évaluation de la santé des sols cultivés en agriculture paysanne. Thèse de doctorat. Presses universitaires de Namur. Namur. 2019.
- Richelle, L., Visser, M., Bock, L., Walpole, P., Mialhe, F., Colinet, G., & Dendoncker, N. (2018). Looking for a dialogue between farmers and scientific soil knowledge: Learnings from an ethno-geomorphopedological study in a Philippine’s upland village. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42(1), 2-27.
- Lambert M., Vlaminck N., Maughan N., Richelle L., Visser M. (2018). Guide d’observation et pistes d’action pour des sols vivants en maraîchage. Laboratoire d’Agroécologie de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles.
- Baltazar, S., Lambert, M., Lewuillon, M., Louah, L., Maughan, N., Richelle, L., Rosenfeld, N., Van Dyck, B., Vankeerberghen A., Visser, M. (2017). Can we avoid extractivism while doing research in agroecology?: A critical view on co-optation and institutionalisation of agroecology. In First Agroecology Europe Forum: Fostering synergies between movement, science and practice (p. 10).
- Mialhe, F., Walpole, P., Bruno, E., Dendoncker, N., Richelle, L., & Henry, S. (2014). Spatio-temporal migration patterns to and from an upland village of Mindanao, Philippines. Population and Environment, 36(2), 155-17
All publications are available upon request or through ResearchGate