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Audrey Van Keerberghen


Prof. Marjolein Visser's research group at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Lead advisor of the support team for the Co-Create Action of Innoviris (Brussels Region)

Associated researcher of SEED – Université de Liège
02 650 6081

Profile & curriculum

PhD in Social and Political Sciences (Anthropology) - Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) and Universita degli Studi di Perugia (Italy) - 2011

Research interests

  • - Participatory action research

  • - Co-Creation

  • - Sustainable Food Systems

  • - Agroecology

Current research projects

Through diverse scientific research and teaching activities, I built up an expertise in the field of agro-food systems and transition, and more specifically in agroecology, organic farming and conservation agriculture, from a  socio-anthropological perspective. I developed particular strengths in working at an interdisciplinary level between social science and agricultural science, as well as in conducting participatory research.

I am currently working as a researcher and research project adviser for the “Centre d'Appui pour l'Action Co-Create” funded by Innoviris ( I provide support in participatory and co-creation methodologies for research projects in the field of Urban Sustainable Food Systems and Urban Resilience.

Five key publications

Van Dyck, Barbara, Noémie Maughan, Audrey Vankeerberghen and Marjolein Visser (2017). Why we need urban agroecology. Urban Agriculture 33, RUAF p 5-6.

Vankeerberghen, Audrey, Pierre Stassart (2016). The transition to conservation agriculture : an insularization process towards sustainability. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 14 (4), 392-407.

Vankeerberghen, Audrey, Bastien Dannevoye, et Pierre Stassart (2014). « L’insularisation comme mode de transition. Le cas de l’agriculture de conservation en Région wallonne ». In Sociologie des grandes cultures. Au cœur du modèle industriel agricole, by Antoine Bernard de Raymond et Frédéric Goulet, 61-76. Quae. Paris.

Vankeerberghen, Audrey (2012). « “Agriculteurs bio” : de l’institutionnalisation d’un groupe à une diversité de parcours professionnels ». Uzance 2.

Vankeerberghen, Audrey (2012). « “Today, one can farm organic without living organic” : Belgian farmers’ perceptions of and reactions to recent changes in organic farming ». In Ethical consumption : social value and economic practice, by James G. Carrier et Peter G. Luetchford, 146171. New-York : Berghahn.

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