Prof. Charles De Cannière
Associate Professor — Chargé de Cours
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Tel: +32 (0)2 650 48 97
Profile & curriculum
MSc in Agricultural Sciences - forestry sciences (1976-1981, UCL - Belgium)
PhD in agricultural sciences and biological engineering (1984-1990, UCL - Belgium)
Research interests
Forest decline caused by interactions of biotic and abiotic factors
Deforestation in Central and West Africa
Dynamics of carbon sequestration in heterogeneous forests of Central Africa
Forest structure and composition in rainforests
Tree growth and wood anatomy
Smallholder forestry and agroforestry
Current research projects
Biodiversity conservation in Burkina Faso (2018-present): How to combine biodiversity conservation and local development in the context of protected areas of the ecological complex Pô-Nazinga-Sissili (PONASI)?
Cambial activity of tropical trees in dense forests of the Congo Basin (2014-present): tree-ring distinctness, relationships between wood density and wood anatomical features, influence of climatic conditions on tree growth dynamics; PhD Yegor Tarelkin.
Within the Faculty of Sciences, I teach General Biology (BIOL-F-102) at Bachelor’s level.
Within the Interfaculty School of Bio-engineering Sciences, I teach Silviculture and Wood Quality (BING-F-4003), Conservation Ecology and Forestry Expertise (BING-F-5001) in the Master in Agricultural Bioengineering. Together with Prof. Nicolas Vereecken, I also supervise 3 months of Internship in agronomic sciences (BING-F-534).
Beside this, I am vice-president of the Interfaculty School of Bioengineering.
Five key publications
- Bastin J.F., Barbier, N., Rejou-Mechain, M., Fayolle, A., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Maniatis, D., de Haulleville, T., Baya, F., Beeckman, H., Beina, D., Couteron, P., Chuyong, G., Dauby, G., Doucet, J.-L, Droissart, V., Dufrene, M., Ewango, C., Gillet, J.F., Gonmadje, C.H., Hart, T., Kavali, T., Kenfack, D., Libalah, M., Malhi, Y., Makana, J.-R., Pelissier, R , Ploton, P., Serckx, A., Sonke, B., Stevart, T., Thomas, D.W., De Canniere, C. & Bogaert, J. 2015. Seeing Central African forests through their largest trees. Scientific Reports 5: 13156.
- Bastin, J.F., Fayolle, A., Tarelkin, Y., Van den Bulcke, J., de Hauleville, T., Mortier,F., Beeckman, H., Van Acker, J., Serckx, A., Bogaert, J. & De Cannière, C. 2015. Wood specific gravity variations and biomass of central african tree species: the simple choice of the outer wood. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142146.
- Bastin, J.F., Barbier, N., Adams, B., Shapiro, A., Couteron, P., Bogaert, J., De Cannière, C. 2014. Aboveground biomass mapping of African forest mosaics using canopy texture analysis from contrasted acquisitions: towards a regional approach. Ecological Applications 24: 1984-2001.
- La Spina, S., De Cannière, C., Dekri, A., Grégoire, J.-C. 2013. Frost impacts on beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) susceptibility to scolytine ambrosia beetles. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 15(2): 157-167.
- Bogaert, J., Bamba, I., Koffi, K.J., Sibomana, S., Djibu, J.P., Champluvier, D., Robbrecht, E., De Cannière, C., Visser, M. 2008. Fragmentation of forest landscapes in central Africa: causes, consequences and management. In: Patterns and processes in forest landscapes: multiple use and sustainable management (R. Lafortezza, J. Chen, G. Sanesi, T.R. Crow, eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, ISBN 978-1-14020-8503-1, pp. 67-87.
All publications are available upon request or through ResearchGate