Francisco Dávila
Prof. Marjolein Visser's research group at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Tel: +32 (0) 498376148
Email: jdavilag@ulb.ac.be
Profile & curriculum
MSc in biology of organisms and ecology (20011)
PhD in biological sciences (2018)
Participatory-Action research :
Opération Phosphore (2017 – 2020)
Citoyens pour la Dépollution des sols (2019 – running)
Lagum (2020 – running)
Research interests
Urban agriculture and its socio-ecological transformative power
Participatory Action Research
Multifunctionality of urban agriculture projects and farms
Agroecological innovations and the evolution of alternative agricultural production systems
Circular economy and flows
Bioremediation of polluted soils
Research project
I currently work on the project Lagum, a participatory action-research project on urban agriculture in Brussels. My concern is the multifunctionality of urban agriculture: the roles and impacts that the different functions urban projects may have at social, environmental and economic levels. This research is carried out with the holders of urban agriculture projects, public administrations and other researchers in order to account for the different field realities and to try to answer the questions that emerge from it.
Lagum is a Participatory Action Research project on urban agriculture in Brussels whose research object is an experimental and educational garden for vegetable production on the roof. This project is carried out by a consortium associating academic researchers (Laboratory of agroecology - ULB), actors in the field (Refresh XL asbl ) and public administrations (Municipality of Ixelles).The project will be extented to all related actors from the immediate vicinity to the wider food system. Trough multiscale and transdisciplinary approaches, this research project aim to assess the multifunction and the sustainability of Urban Rooftop Farming in Bruxelles.