Noémie Maughan
Bioengineer — Researcher
Prof. Marjolein Visser's research group at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Tel: +32 (0)2 650 60 79
Email: noemie.maughan(at)ulb.ac.be
Profile & curriculum
MSc in Agricultural Sciences, Tropical Systems Management (2003-2008)
Interuniversity Certificate in Agroecology and Transition to Sustainable Food Systems (2013)
Research interests
Urban agriculture and its socio-ecological transformative power
Participatory Action Research
Small scale (peri-)urban market gardening, models and viability
Agroecological innovations and the evolution of alternative agricultural production systems
Current research projects
Ongoing projects
VIABILITE DU PAIN EN CIRCUITS-COURTS (2021 – 2025) : An analysis of the organizational and socio-technical mechanisms structuring local bread chains looking for better quality and viability in Wallonia. PDR FNRS
Participative podcast:
Le Pain qu'on Sème
Spotify (French speaking)
YouTube (English subtitles available)
QASA (2020 – preselected) : Quartier Agricole SOLIDAIRE stads-agricultuur. Innoviris Co-create.
L(ag)UM (2014 – 2023) : Laboratoire d’agriculture urbaine Maelbeek. FEDER. With Toma Rixen & Francisco Davila.
Former projects
SPINCOOP and ULTRA-TREE (2015-2018) : Participatory action research projects financed by the Brussels Capital Region as part of a specific program that aimed at fostering sustainable food systems. Co-creating knowledge and innovations that explore the viability of Brussels based market gardening projects – Cycle Farm; l’Espace-Test Agricole de Graines de Paysans - for urban agriculture in Brussels.
Tool for the autonomous assessment of soil quality and health
Support team for the Co-Create Action of Innoviris “Centre d'Appui pour l'Action Co-Create” (2014-2015). Funded by Innoviris, this support structure provides methodological and formative support for the co-creation process.
“Public and scientific events”
Summer School on Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems in Brussels
1st Edition (July 2016)
2nd Edition (July 2017)
3rd Edition (Novembre 2018)
4rth Edition (July 2021 - TBC)
Five key publications
Maughan N., Pipart N., Van Dyck B., Visser M., 2021. The potential of bio-intensive market gardening models for a transformative urban agriculture: Adapting SPIN Farming to Brussels. In “Resourcing an Agroecological Urbanism - Political, Transformational and Territorial Dimensions”. Chapter: 7. Routeledge Studies in Food, society and environment.
Plateau L., Maughan N., Hermesse J., Pipart N., Visser M., Maréchal K.,2019 . La viabilité du maraichage urbain à l'épreuve de l'installation professionnelle. Cahiers Agricultures, 28(6). doi:10.1051/cagri/2019005.
R. Boutsen, N. Maughan et M. Visser, 2018. Evaluation de la production agricole primaire professionnelle en Région Bruxelles Capitale, étude réalisée pour le Service public régional de Bruxelles (SPRB) Economie et Emploi, Service Economie, Cellule agriculture, 2018.
Van Dyck B., Vankeerberghen A., Massart E., Maughan N , Visser A., 2018. Encouraging reflexivity and collective relational learning in a context of institutionalization of participatory food system research. Agroecología, 13, 21-32.
Van Dyck, B., Maughan, N., Vankeerberghen, A., Visser, M, 2017, Why we need agroecology, Fostering reflexivity for food system action research participants, Brussels, Urban Agriculture 33, RUAF p 5-6. http://www.ruaf.org/ua-magazine-no-33-urban-agroecology
All publications are available upon request or through ResearchGate