Sofia Baltazar
PhD candidate
Prof. Nicolas Dendoncker’s research group at the Department of Geography, Université de Namur, Belgium
Prof. Marjolein Visser's research group at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
Email: sofia.baltazar@unamur.be
Profile & curriculum
MSc in Bioengineering, Agricultural Sciences (2005-2010) (Université libre de Bruxelles
Agriculture and Environment advisor (2011–2013) (FUGEA asbl)
Junior expert at EDES – COLEACP (2011)
Research interests
Seed systems and seed networks
Cereals: agroecological production and artisanal transformation
Participatory Plant Breeding, Evolutionary Plant Breeding
Participatory Action Research and participatory research methodologies
Research project
Wallonia and Andalucia (2013-present): Looking for local wheat seed, cropping and breadmaking through networks connecting farmers, bakers, millers, citizens and researchers.
Systemic diagnosis: study local practices and regional dynamics regarding the management of cereals’ cultivated diversity in Spain (Andalucia) and Belgium (Wallonia).
Action-research in Wallonia: support on-farm management of cultivated diversity and collaborative learning, co-construct the first cereal seed network in Belgium.
Three key publications
- Baltazar S, Lambert M, Lewuillon M, Louah L, Maughan N, Richelle L, Rosenfeld N, Van Dyck B, Vankeerberghen A, Visser M, 2017. Can we avoid extractivism while doing research in agroecology? A critical view on co-optation and institutionalisation of agroecology. Conference Paper Agroecology Europe Forum, Nov. 2017, Lyon, France.
- Baltazar S, Visser L & Dendoncker N, 2016. From Seed to Bread : Co-construction of a Cereal Seed Network in Wallonia. 12th European IFSA conference, Harper Adams University.
- Louah L, Baltazar S, Delobel V & Visser M, 2015. Changements de postures du chercheur, de l’agriculteur et de l’enseignant pour l’innovation agroécologique paysanne. Pour 226 (2): 5-10.